
Before you begin, make sure that you already have created a Facebook Page on your Account and have some posts published on that page. Afterward, follow this below guideline to retrieve Facebook Page ID & Access Token:


Step 1 – Create a New App ID

步驟1- 創建新的應用程式ID

First of all, login to your Facebook profile and go to Facebook Developers Account. Afterward, click on the ‘My Apps’ option as shown below.

首先,登錄您的Facebook個人檔案,然後轉到Facebook Developers Account。接著,點擊“我的應用程式”選項如下圖所示。

This will redirect you to a new page. Here, click on the ‘Create App’ button to create a new app in Meta Developers. A popup will appear where you will be asked to specify what you need your app to do. Simply click on the ‘None’ and go to the next step by clicking on the ‘Next’ button.

這將使您重定向到一個新頁面。在這裡,點擊“創建應用程式”按鈕,在Meta Developers中創建一個新的應用程式。將彈出窗口,要求您指定您的應用程式需要做什麼。只需點擊“無”,然後通過點擊“下一步”按鈕進入下一步。

Next, you will be asked to give your app a name in the ‘Display Name’ field, and set the email address for your app in the ‘App Contact Email’. Once this is done, click on the ‘Create App’ button. You may be prompted to complete a quick security check.


If you have completed these steps, then you have successfully created an app for Meta Developers. Next, you have to generate the access token for your app.

如果您完成了這些步驟,則已成功為Meta Developers創建了應用程式。接下來,您需要為您的應用程式生成存取權杖。

Step 2 – Generate Page Access Token

After creating your app, you will be redirected to the Dashboard page. Click on the ‘Tools’ option from the Menu and go to the ‘Graph API Explorer’ page.

步驟2- 生成頁面存取權杖

創建應用程式後,您將被重定向到“儀表板”頁面。從菜單中點擊“工具”選項,進入“Graph API Explorer”頁面。

Now you will be redirected to a new page. Click on the ‘Facebook App’ drop down and choose the app you just created.


Now click on the  ‘App Token’ drop down and choose the ‘Get Page Access Token’ option.


Simply go ahead and continue as your user account.


Afterward, make sure to choose the page from which you want to retrieve your Posts and hit the ‘Next’ button.


After finishing the previous step, simply enable the option to manage your pages and hit the ‘Done’ button.


Once you are done with all these previous steps, your Page will be successfully linked to your Facebook account.


Afterward, you have to set some permissions for your app. These are the permissions that you need to add:









You can add these permissions by clicking on the options shown below. Make sure to add the permissions given in this list.











when you have added the permissions, you will see some of the permissions are marked as green.


Now you will click on the ‘Generate Access Token‘ button and go through the same process again. Your permissions will be successfully added to your app.
